Surveillance technologies policy development codesign event

On Monday, December 13th, we teamed up with Smart City PDX, Portland’s Office of Equity and Human Rights, and Cascadia Partners to bring the community together tor an online surveillance technologies policy codesign event.

The City of Portland is currently developing a comprehensive surveillance and privacy policy in order to create transparency and accountability processes for the purchase and use of surveillance technologies in the city. This policy will also define the roles and responsibilities for the decision-making, oversight, and implementation aspects or the process.

More information about the event can be found here:

Current city code does not address newer technologies like Artificial Intelligence (Al) and predictive inference algorithms, and City staff also want to address the structural inequities and harms of surveillance that fall disproportionately on certain groups, like the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities.

If you missed the event, you can view the presentation slides and the jam board notes from the breakout rooms.

Event presentation:

Event jam board (view only):

You can also submit your own comments to the city until January 7, 2022:

Comments are public, so please do not include personal or sensitive information like addresses or emails